Dog Tales & Cat’s Meow
Protecting Your Pet With Pet Insurance
If you have ever owned a pet, you probably know that giving your pet the proper care he or she deserves can become expensive over time, even for a healthy pet. If your pet has health complications or if you have multiple pets, the cost of care can quickly rise if you are on a…
Asthma in Pets
Can your pet have asthma? Yes! Just like us, our furry companions can develop asthma. Though more common in cats than dogs, pets can suffer from asthma attacks, too. Though there is no cure for asthma, we do have successful treatment and management therapies to ensure your pet lives a happy and healthy life. What…
July 4th Pet Safety
As Independence Day quickly approaches, we know many of us are excited for the celebrations this weekend. As you prepare for your 4th of July festivities, it is important to consider your pet as well! Whether you are spending the day with your family at home or practicing social distancing at the beach, there are…
Snoring in Pets
Does your pet snore? Is it less of a gentle cat purr or a deep exhale from Fido during a daytime nap and more of an audible snore similar to that of a human being? Though more common in dogs than cats, snoring in pets can be normal. However, some cases of snoring can indicate…
Spring Pet Care
Did you know that May is National Pet Month? Similar to National Pet Day in April, the month of May is dedicated to loving and protecting our pets! This celebration comes just in time as those April showers have brought in May flowers, and springtime is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the outdoors with your…
Zoonotic Diseases
Animals provide many benefits to human civilization. Many people interact with animals in their daily lives, both at home and away from home. Animals can provide food, livelihood, travel, sport, companionship, and education to people across the globe. We can also come in contact with animals in urban and rural settings, during travel, visiting animal…
What is Bloat GDV?
Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV) is a rapidly progressive life-threatening condition that affects millions of dogs every year. In the beginning, the stomach fills with gas, food, foam, or air, causing the stomach to bloat, causing a gastric dilatation or enlargement. If the condition persists, the stomach continues to fill with gas and twists and progresses from…
Cleaning Your Pet’s Ears
A regular grooming routine is a must for our animal companions. Besides keeping your pet looking and feeling the best way possible, grooming your pet regularly allows you to get familiar with his or her body so that should anything out of the ordinary be noticed, you can seek help immediately without wondering if your…
A Happier, Healthier Year For You and Your Pet
During this time of year, many of us set new goals and perspectives for the year ahead. As you make your New Year’s resolutions, consider your pet as well! Here are some great ideas to promote a happier and healthier year for you and your animal companions. Eat Right Many pets can suffer from overeating…
Keep Your Pet Happy And Warm This Winter Holiday
Cold and dry air, chilling rain, and possible snow and ice can have your layering up trying to stay warm throughout the month. December is also the height of the holiday season, but it can easily become a not-so-jolly holiday for pets. However, as pet owners we know that when you are preparing yourself for…